Whether you are joining or renewing, your support is critical to the animals of Alamance County.
May is a vitally important time of year for us – it’s membership month at the Humane Society of Alamance County and a time when we ask you to become a new member or to renew your existing membership.
HSAC is a non-profit organization founded in 1971 to develop and implement animal welfare programs and services within Alamance County. We work hard to be a professional and knowledgeable community resource committed to the welfare of the animals, to provide a high level of quality animal care for our rescued animals and our spay/neuter clients, to provide emergency services/information/referrals, to create lasting community relationships, to offer effective education programs, to maintain a strong volunteer program, to act with integrity and respect, and to be a leading advocate for the animals.
By becoming a member of the Humane Society of Alamance County, you enable us to continue in our role as an essential resource to our community, and to the pets and people we serve. Your membership ensures the financial strength of our organization.
Our members enable HSAC to have a direct influence on animal welfare. Members are especially crucial because we do not receive any tax dollars or funding from our city or state. Memberships, donations, fundraisers, and bequests support our programs.
HSAC members provide the crucial funding needed to sustain our life-saving programs year after year. Annual membership gifts help to provide low-cost spay/neuter services resulting in increased quality of life for the animals and reducing the number of animals being killed at the city’s animal shelter, help provide homeless pets a second chance, provide animal rescue services to senior citizens and people experiencing life-changing situations such as a cancer diagnosis or loss of a job/home that necessitate the surrender of their pets, and provides children with the knowledge and opportunity to create a kinder world.
Become a member of the Humane Society of Alamance County for just $25 a year – that's just seven cents a day or consider increasing your membership level in order to help even more animals. Your financial support goes directly to helping pets in need right here in Alamance County.
Please use this form to become a new member or to renew an expiring membership: please print, fill out and return. Thank you!
Please send your membership donation to:
Humane Society of Alamance County
PO Box 5117
Burlington, NC 27216
Name ______________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________
City _______________________ State ______ Zip ________
E-mail _____________________________________________
____ Regular $25 ____ Student or Senior $15
____ Supporting $50 ____ Benefactor $100
____ Corporate $250 ____ St. Francis $500
____ Other $________
Checks or money orders gladly accepted.
PayPal: You may also donate online with your Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express card. Simply click on the ”Buy Now” button at: www.hsaconline.org
All contributions are tax deductible as allowed by law.
We respect our members’ privacy and do not sell or exchange the names or addresses of any of our members or donors.
Alternately, you may choose to print the PDF of our membership form.
Thank you for helping to provide
A better life…A better home…A brighter future
for the animals.